Just by chance I saw a converted RV van with a telescoping wind turbine attached today at the lake. The owner said she rarely uses it because she prefers her solar system. Said it was a pain to insta… (View Post)
From what I can see of the photos, the interior is very similar to the existing Cirrus truck camper regarding materials. If that unit is selling well and receiving positive owner comments, then the f… (View Post)
Here is a photo of the cabinet with the A/C removed. The yellow arrow is the drain location, the red arrow the A/C grill from the inside. This confirms Verna's suggestion to simply have the T@B tilte… (View Post)
Because the water is not under any pressure, one solution is to put a funnel under the drain hose and attach a new hose to the funnel (any size) to carry the water away. A little Redneck, but what th… (View Post)
@Fatman1966 Smittybilt 2798 Jerry Gas Can Holder for $35 on Amazon.Plastic Water Can - 5 Gallon, Desert Sand by LCI $52 on Amazon.The Smittybilt holder is made for METAL (gas) jerry cans without the … (View Post)